Yamboree Livestock Show Grand Champion Winners 2021

Yamboree Livestock Show Grand Champion Winners logo


Grand Champion Swine, shown by
Addyson Woodfin and purchased by Redco Endeavors, Inc.
Grand Champion Ag Mechanics,
shown by Joseph Nelson and purchased by John Linder Operating.
Grand Champion Goat, shown by
Lainey Childress and purchased by Credit Union of Texas.
Grand Champion Steer, shown by
Vance Aaron and purchased by Guaranteed Valve Maintenance.
Grand Champion Broiler, shown by
Melanie Aguilar and purchased by Etex Communications.
Grand Champion Dairy Heifer, shown by
Casey Boersma and purchased by Credit Union of Texas.
Grand Champion Rabbits, shown by
Kendell Moore and purchased by First National Bank of East Texas.