Saturday, October 19th, 2024 11:00AM RAIN OR SHINE
All entry forms must be filled out completely (incomplete entries will be inspected and decisions on parade participation will be made by Parade Officials) and may be hand- delivered, or mailed to the Yamboree Office 106 Buffalo St., Gilmer, TX 75644, or emailed to [email protected] by September 27th, 2024.
- East Texas Yamboree Association and Upshur County Crimestoppers will be introducing a new partnership this year to provide extra safety for all children riding floats, We are trying to alleviate the dangers of parents and children having to cross busy traffic-filled streets with a n "New Yam Taxi" system.
The East Texas Yamboree Queen’s Parade is a celebration about everything wonderful and beautiful about our Queen, her Ladies-in Waiting and the history of the Yam in Upshur County. It is not a venue for protests or political statements. Our parade will reflect that philosophy.
No motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATVs, UTVs, (any vehicle that is not street legal), or any off-road vehicles will not be allowed in the parade unless given permission by the Parade Chairman or being used by a parade official, clean-up crew, emergency staff, or police.
No horses are allowed in the East Texas Yamboree Queen’s Parade.
Participation – Parade officials reserve the right to reject, or evict anything that is not in the best interest of the East Texas Yamboree Queens Parade. Removal may include but is not limited to; any group/individual/object or activity that involves disparaging, harassing, or targeting anyone based on ethnicity, religion, gender, or handicap.
Responsibility – The East Texas Yamboree Association nor its officials shall be liable or held responsible for any personal injury, damage or loss to parade entries or observers. However, officials will take precautions to avoid such injury, loss or damage. Parade participants shall assume responsibility for injury, or damage to personnel, property, or observers resulting from negligence from their entry this also applies to observers not paying attention and crossing the street in front of vehicles, bands, floats etc. that are in the parade as they could be hurt as well.
Political Candidates – The East Texas Yamboree Queen’s Parade does not allow political candidates to have a float, vehicle, (whether street legal or not) or walking group to participate in the Saturday Queens Parade. Our Queens Parade is not a venue for political statements, protests, campaigns, etc. We are non-political.
Flags – The East Texas Yamboree Queens Parade uses the Gilmer High School AF Jr. ROTC as our color guard. The flags that they carry are our officially recognized ones; the American Flag, The State of Texas Flag, and when used the Air Force Flag.
Commercial floats are encouraged to enter. An award will be presented but no cash will be awarded.
No traffic will be allowed on Titus St. from 6:00 am Saturday until the conclusion of the parade.
All bands will sound off in front of Gilmer National Bank facing Titus St., this is the official starting point of the parade.
Floats may use music, lights, and other effects if it is incorporated into their theme.
No entry may throw trinkets, toys, balloons, or candy, pass out fliers, blow loud horns, play music, or use police-style strobe lights, or sirens(floats see rule #8 for exceptions). Only the police and other emergency vehicles that start the parade are allowed to use sirens and strobe lights from vehicles. This endangers our parade observers as well as participants and may lead to serious injury.
Entries must travel with the contours of the parade route; weaving is not allowed.
All floats to be judged must be on the Gilmer National Bank parking lot by 8:00 am with everyone on their floats by 9:00 am. All other float entries must be on the lot by 10:00 am. All award winners must provide 2 people to carry their award banners during the parade.
School buses only on Walker St. Buses will unload on Railroad St and can park there or they can go on to the high school. All cars and trucks that will have Princesses, Duchesses, Homecoming Queens, School, and Class Sweethearts, etc. need to enter Redbud St. and Titus St. at the barricades to be placed on Titus St. You must have your entry pass displayed on the dash of the vehicle or shown at the barricade to the official or police to gain entry to parade route.
- Crimestoppers is working with us to help solve the traffic congestion problems caused by getting children to floats in the Gilmer National Bank parking lot. They will be using CUTX and Derek Moore's parking lots to ferry children to the area they need to go to protect them from traffic. More information will be forthcoming.
The tractors need to enter Redbud and Titus St and are placed on the Gilmer National Bank repo lot be entered in the parade. The Antique and Classic Cars will move from the show area at 11:00 am and no earlier; they must wait until the police sirens start the parade.
The Antique and Classic Cars will turn left at the intersection of 271 and head north to Walker St. between Speedie D's and Gilmer National Bank where they will form 2 lines and wait at the stop sign. They will be fed into the parade from this location. Remember vehicles from the car show do not have to participate in the parade but are encouraged.
The Queens Float will have a designated parking spot on the parade route in front of Quickfish Apparel to watch her parade if she so desires.
Drivers in the Saturday Queens Parade must be 18 years of age or older and possess a valid driver's license and insurance.
Please do not walk back through the parade route when you are finished as this causes congestion problems.
The East Texas Yamboree Parade Chairman (this includes all official parade staff) has the final say on all entries that will be in the parade and has the right to remove any entry before or during the parade that is deemed in violation of the terms or spirit of the rules and may not be invited back in future years to participate.
All entries are due September 27th, 2024. Late entries will be decided on by Parade officials until October 7th, 2024 only after all other applications have been reviewed. After October 7th, 2024 acceptance of Saturday Queens Parade entries will be closed for this year's parade.