Meet Ashlynn Edin White

Ashlynn Edin White is proudly representing the Kiwanis Club of Gilmer. She is the daughter of Brent and Crystal White, and the granddaughter of Janell and the late Danny Berry, Robert and Denise Cromley, and Tom and Chrystal White. Big sister to Annsley Mae. She has been a Gilmer Buckeye Cheerleader for 6 years. She is a member of the Gilmer FFA and Upshur County 4H where she is on the livestock judging and skills teams. She has shown rabbits and goats and participated in the Yamboree Livestock Sale for seven years. Ashlynn has danced in the pageant the past 4 years. She works at First Baptist Church in the nursery. After High school she plans to attend Northeast Texas Community College and major in Ag Business.