$500.00 Scholarship
Faith Lee Gilbreath is a 2023 graduate of Gilmer High School. She is the daughter of Chad Gilbreath and
Katy McLaren. Faith was an active member of the Gilmer FFA for 6 years. During that time, she
participated in Job Interview and placed 1st in District two years in row, and has shown multiple market
animals, including pigs, rabbits, steers, and goats, and showed the 2022 Yamboree Reserve Champion
Market Goat. Faith plans on attending NTCC in the fall where she will be on the Rodeo Team, and
transfer to Tarleton to obtain her degree as a Physical Therapist.

$500.00 Scholarship
Hello, my name is Sarah Philips. I’m a 2023 graduate from Gilmer High School. I’ve lived in Gilmer my whole life and have shown animals in the East Texas Yamboree Livestock Show and Auction for 5 years now. I’ve grown up playing softball here in Gilmer. I’ve played for 10 years now and I will also play in college. I will be attending Harding University in the fall on scholarship and plan on majoring in nursing. Harding is a D2 private Christian school in Searcy Arkansas with an exceptional nursing program. I am super excited about my opportunity to go to college and excel in my softball as well as academics.