Melanie Aguilar
Melanie is the daughter of Scott and Angelica Sisson. She is a Senior at Gilmer High School. She was the 2023-2024 Gilmer FFA Chapter President. She also retired as Daingerfield District FFA President and Area VI FFA Vice President as well. Melanie exhibited Broilers at the East Texas Yamboree for three years. She had the honor of winning Grand Champion in 2021 and Reserve Grand Champion in 2023. Melanie also exhibited an agricultural mechanics project this past Yamboree. Upon graduation, she plans to attend Texas Tech University and major in Agricultural Communication. Melanie’s ambition is to be employed by the USDA and work in foreign relations.

Ava Fenton
Ava Fenton is the daughter of Todd and Rebecca Fenton. While at Gilmer High School she actively participated in Varsity Tennis, FFA, and National Honor Society. She was the Varsity Tennis Team Captain and a Vice President in FFA and National Honor Society. After high school, Ava plans to attend Texas A&M University to major in Public Health and pursue a career as an orthodontist.

Elizabeth Jewels Hight
Elizabeth Jewels Hight is a dedicated member of the FFA who has contributed to the Yamboree Livestock Show throughout her time in high school. Her sophomore year, she helped show broilers at the Livestock Show. In the past two years, she has shown her own broilers and made the sale in her senior year. She intends to pursue a career in data science, and she will be attending Tyler Junior College with a major in computer science.

Madilyne Hill
Madilyne Hill is a Senior at Big Sandy High School. She is the daughter of Victor and Christy Hill. Madi has been a member of the Varsity Volleyball team, Varsity Tennis team, Co-Captain of the Varsity Cheer team, FFA Officer, FFA Show Team, Yamboree Junior Board, Student Council Officer, NHS Officer, Spanish Club Co-President and Senior Class Officer. She has participated in many Yamboree activities such as showing goats and representing her school as Miss Big Sandy High. After graduation, Madi plans to attend Texas A&M University and major in Biomedical Sciences to become a Pediatric Physician Assistant.

Katherine Potter
Katherine Jane Potter is a 2024 graduate of Union Grove High School. She is the daughter of Karen and Michael Potter and granddaughter of Betty and Garry T. Boyd. Katherine has been an active member of the Union Grove FFA for the last 3 years. During that time, she served as the Greenhand Vice President, Chapter Sentinel and Chapter Treasurer. Her competitive team involvement includes; Senior Creed Speaking, AG Issues, AG Advocacy, and the State Livestock Judging Team. Katherine has shown market and breeding projects for the last 10 years including market rabbits, market goats, breeding heifers, and exhibited the 2022 Yamboree Reserve Champion Market Swine. During the 2023 East Texas Yamboree, Katherine represented Union Grove High School as a Duchess. The Yamboree has played a significant role in Katherine’s life as she has been a part of it since the womb .Katherine plans to attend TJC in the Fall where she will receive her basics and transfer to Texas A&M to obtain a bachelor’s degree and become an elementary teacher.

Riley Stevenson
Riley Stevenson is a dedicated individual whose journey has been marked by a strong commitment to community, academics, and music. Born to Mike and Cheyenne Stevenson, they have actively participated in the Yamboree community through exhibiting goats and serving on the Junior Livestock Board. Academically, they have excelled in soccer, earning Academic All-District recognition for three years. Their musical talent shines through as a two-time All-State band member and Drum Major for the State Champion Military Marching Band. In sports, they excel in soccer, football, cross country, and track. Riley Stevenson plans to pursue a Music Education major at Stephen F. Austin State University, where they aim to continue their academic and musical journey.

Mia Stowe
Mia Stowe is a 2024 graduate of Gilmer High School. Mia was a Gilmer FFA member for 4 years. During that time, Mia participated in chapter conducting, quiz, creed speaking, poultry evaluation, homesite, land judging, prepared public speaking, and agriscience fair. She was a chapter officer for two years, Daingerfield District Treasurer for one, and a Texas FFA Ford Leadership Scholar for one year. She showed market broilers in the Yamboree for three years. She was also involved in band, student council, DEUCES, and National Honor Society. Mia plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin to study communications.

Jayden Taylor
Jayden Taylor is a very active member of Harmony FFA and Upshur County 4-H. She holds multiple officer positions and leadership roles in both organizations. She has shown Commercial Dairy Heifers for 9 years and Market Swine for 5 years at the East Texas Yamboree Livestock Show, along with canning and shop project exhibits. Jayden has found her passion for agriculture throught her involvement in organizations, her Grandfather’s Dairy Farm, and her livestock projects. She plans to attend Tarleton State University to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Agribusiness and minor in Animal Science to presume a career in the Agricultural Industry.

Trinity Tidball
Trinity Tidball, a 2024 graduate of Union Hill, is the daughter of Melisa and Gary Tidball. She has been actively involved with the Yamboree Livestock Show and a Junior Board member for the past three years. She was a member of the Union HillFFA Chapter, serving as a chapter officer. She showed market goats and breeding heifers and competed in livestock and horse judging. She has been a member of the National Honor Society Student Council and Future Business Leaders of America since 2021. Trinity will be attending Tarleton State and pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Agribusiness.

Levi Watson
Levi Watson is a senior at Gilmer High School. He is the son of Greg and Amber Watson. Levi has been involved in FFA throughout high school. He has also participated in athletics and is a member of the National Honor Society. He is a member of First Baptist Church, Gilmer. Levi plans to attend Tarleton State University and major in Agribusiness. His plans after college include starting and managing his own cattle company. Levi’s guiding verse is – Colossians 3:23 – Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Addison Kate Wilson
Addison Kate Wilson is the daughter of Brandon and Jennifer Wilson. She is a graduate of Gilmer High School where she has been involved in FFA, NHS, Athletics as well as Texas High School Rodeo. Addison has served on numerous junior boards in the community. She has been involved in the Yamboree over the last ten years exhibiting market steers. Addison plans to attend Northeast Texas Community College and then transfer to UT Tyler to pursue a degree in Pharmacy.