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October 18th, 2024

Sponsoredby:GilmerNationalBank,FirstNationalBank ofEastTexas, andBrookshire’s
Youth 9-18 years
Adults 19 years and older
- The contest is for plain yam pies only. The pie is judged on the taste of the potato and should have little or no spice, and no extra ingredients such as nuts, coconut, or raisins. Pie crust should be homemade.
Only one pie per entrant will be accepted.
Pies should be brought to the Yamboree Exhibit Building between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Friday, October 18.
There is no entry fee.
- Judging begins at 12:00 noon on Friday.
- Each pie is judged on: (1) general appearance, (2) crust characteristics, and (3) filling characteristics.
- To select the top ten pies in each division, the pies will be judged based on a score sheet by out-of-county judges.
- The winner with the highest scoring pie in each division will be the Grand Champion and will receive a plaque, a blue ribbon and $100. Second place winners will receive a red ribbon and
$50. Third place winners will receive a white ribbon and $25. All ten finalists in each division will receive a gift pack. All entrants will receive a participation ribbon.
- Winners will be announced at 3 p.m. on Friday in the Exhibit Building. All participants should be present. The adult Grand Champion winner will be photographed presenting their pie to the Yamboree Queen. The youth Grand Champion winner will be photographed presenting their pie to the President of the Yamboree Association.
- All pies and prizes should be picked up by Friday, 4:00 p.m. If unable to pick up your pie by 4:00 p.m., arrangements can be made with the contest staff for late pickup.
This event is hosted by the Texas Extension EducationAssociation (TEEA) ofUpshurCounty.For more information,call the Upshur County Extension Office,903.843.4019.